Grief Cards Packs 1 and 2

For someone who is just bereaved

When you download or receive the cards in the post we suggest the following:

  • Take a look at the cards.
  • You may be feeling some of these emotions.  You are not alone, many do.
  • Choose a card that speaks to you.
  • You might like to reflect on the two statements about grief.
  • There are also two questions that you might like to consider.
  • Find someone you trust to talk with about the cards.
  • Some of the cards may not resonate with you now, that’s OK.
  • Be inquisitive and courageous, hope can be restored.

Pack 1. Starting a journey (12 cards)

Each pack contains 12 cards that look at different aspects of grief that people may experience when they have a bereavement. Sample cards shown below.

  • The picture introduces the topic with a title and positioning statement. 
  • On the back of each card there are some learning points about the topic. 
  • Then two questions that can be considered or discussed.

Starting a journey 

£7.00 / pack, free postage

This pack has the following cards and more...

Guide Sheets for Pack 1. 'Starting a journey'

Pack 2. On the journey (12 cards)

Each pack contains 12 cards that look at different aspects of grief that people may experience when they have a bereavement. 

  • The picture introduces the topic with a title and positioning statement. 
  • On the back of each card there are some learning points about the topic. 
  • Then two questions that can be considered or discussed.

On the journey 

£7.00 per pack

This pack has the following cards and more...

Guide Sheets for Pack 2. On the journey (12 cards)

Combined pack - 'Starting a journey' and 'On the journey' (24 cards)

Starting a journey

and On the Journey

£12.00 per pack

When you download or receive the cards in the post we suggest the following:

  • Take a look at the cards.
  • You may be feeling some of these emotions.  You are not alone, many do.
  • Choose a card that speaks to you.
  • You might like to reflect on the two statements about grief.
  • There are also two questions that you might like to consider.
  • Find someone you trust to talk with about the cards.
  • Some of the cards may not resonate with you now, that’s OK.
  • Be inquisitive and courageous, hope can be restored.